
Target Market and Opportunities

Low grade resources and Rougher concentrates

A key advantage of the Halion LoopTM is its versatility: grade, grind and scale.

Because it doesn’t require smelter grades or purity, the Halion LoopTM can unlock significant value by processing lower grade and coarser concentrates, such as rougher con.

Polymetallic deposits

Metal recovery can be maximised at the mill by producing polymetallic and bulk concentrates.

Key value elements can be recovered selectively at chosen points in the process: nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, silver, gold, PGMs and more.

High arsenic and refractory ores

The Halion Loop™ is relatively ‘agnostic’ to the presence of arsenic. It has been demonstrated to be able to leach both enargite and arsenopyrite.

The resulting precipitated mineral, scorodite, mimics the naturally occurring mineral that is environmentally stable.

Smaller scale mining opportunities

Unlike existing processes, the Halion Loop™ can operate efficiently from small to large scale.

Many mines could produce high purity metal at site for less than the current cost of producing smelter-grade concentrate.

High salinity site water environments

At many site water constraints are a major issue, and such water is commonly comparatively saline. Being a chloride-based technology, the Halion Loop™ is robust and adaptable to saline site and process waters.

It can be configured to utilise saline site water and/or to internally re-use clean water supplies to minimise fresh water requirements.

Multiple value streams

The Halion Loop™ can capture a significant proportion of the periodic table as co-products and by-products.

There are excellent opportunities for mines to maximise their returns by capturing all of the contained metal value, and minimising the effect of smelter penalty elements.